Hirst, Damian (1965-) - Gemälde und Auktionsdaten
Anzahl Werke: (41)Künstlernummer: 24025
Auswahl nach Technik
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Bild | BNR | Bildtitel | Datum | Technik | Bildgruppe | Sign. | cm | Historie | WVZ | Bild2 | Bild3 |
24025-1-F.jpg | 1 | Spiral Drawing | 1994 | Mischtechn. | 0 | j | 30x30 | ||||
24025-2-F.jpg | 2 | Dicetyl Phospahte | 2005 | Lack | 0 | j | 53,3x109,2 | ||||
24025-3-F.jpg | 3 | Biphenyl C | 1995 | Lack | 0 | j | 46x46 | ||||
24025-4-F.jpg | 4 | In a spin | 2002 | Acryl | 0 | 97x75,5 | |||||
24025-5-F.jpg | 5 | Spinning around | 2002 | Pastell | 0 | j | 160x150 | ||||
24025-6-F.jpg | 6 | How to disappear completely | 2002 | Bleistift | 0 | j | 111,2x91,1 | ||||
24025-7-F.jpg | 7 | Revolution | Tusche | 0 | j | 110,7x90,5 | |||||
24025-8-F.jpg | 8 | How to disappear completely | 2002 | Tusche | 0 | j | 111x91 | ||||
24025-9-F.jpg | 9 | Ohne Titel | 2001 | 0 | j | 48x43 | |||||
24025-10-F.jpg | 10 | Spin | 1994 | Aquarell | 0 | j | 30x30 | ||||
24025-11-F.jpg | 11 | Spin painting | 2002 | Acryl | 0 | 97,5x75,5 | |||||
24025-12-F.jpg | 12 | Billi Mill Roundabout | Pastell | 0 | j | 91x71 | |||||
24025-13-F.jpg | 13 | All around the world | 2002 | Acryl | 0 | j | 91x71 | ||||
24025-14-F.jpg | 14 | My Way | 2002 | Aquarell | 0 | j | 90x70 | ||||
24025-15-F.jpg | 15 | Untitled | 2001 | Gouache | 0 | j | 9,7x15,4 | ||||
24025-16-F.jpg | 16 | Butterfly with Skulls | 2006 | Filzstift | 0 | j | 14,5x9,6 | ||||
24025-17-F.jpg | 17 | Cow Cut Open | 2001 | Bleistift | 0 | j | 15,1x10,4 | ||||
24025-18-F.jpg | 18 | Liberty | Mischtechn. | 0 | j | 91x70,8 | |||||
24025-19-F.jpg | 19 | Global-a-go-go-for Joe | 2002 | Gouache | 0 | j | 91,5x71 | ||||
24025-20-F.jpg | 20 | Lavender Baby | 2002 | Aquarell | 0 | j | 91x71 | ||||
24025-21-F.jpg | 21 | Beautiful Flora | 2008 | Lack | 0 | j | 61x53,5 | ||||
24025-22-F.jpg | 22 | Round | 2002 | Mischtechn. | 0 | j | 81,4x70,7 | ||||
24025-23-F.jpg | 23 | Ohne Titel - Skull | Tinte | 0 | j | 26,5x36,2 | |||||
24025-24-F.jpg | 24 | Twist and Shout | Mischtechn. | 0 | j | 111x91 | |||||
24025-25-F.jpg | 25 | There is more to life | 2008 | Gouache | 0 | j | 90,5x70,5 | ||||
24025-26-F.jpg | 26 | Spin Paynting | 2005 | Acryl | 0 | j | 43,2x43,2 | ||||
24025-27-F.jpg | 27 | Butterfly | Filzstift | 0 | j | 29,6x24,4 | |||||
24025-28-F.jpg | 28 | Spin painting | 2009 | Acryl | 0 | j | 53,3x51,4 | ||||
24025-29-F.jpg | 29 | Death is irrelevant | 2003 | Filzstift | 0 | j | 57x57 | ||||
24025-30-F.jpg | 30 | Cow Cut Open | 2001 | Bleistift | 0 | j | 15,1x10,4 | ||||
24025-31-F.jpg | 31 | Hai | Kuli | 0 | j | 20,5x29 | |||||
24025-32-F.jpg | 32 | Hai | Filzstift | 0 | j | 28x54 | |||||
24025-33-F.jpg | 33 | Twisted Insobriety | 2002 | Aquarell | 0 | j | 111,3x91 | ||||
24025-34-F.jpg | 34 | Star spin painting | Acryl | 0 | 54x54 | ||||||
24025-35-F.jpg | 35 | Totenkopf | Filzstift | 0 | j | 21x29,5 | |||||
1655537875_img942.jpg | 36 | Komposition | 1993 | Acryl | 0 | j | 18x12,7 | ||||
1655728359_img020.jpg | 37 | Twist and Shout | 2002 | Mischtechn. | 0 | j | 111,5x91,5 | ||||
24025_38A.jpg | 38 | Skull Spin Painting | 2009 | Acryl | 0 | j | 71x50 | ||||
24025_39A.jpg | 39 | Mouths are planted 4193 | 2016 | 0 | j | 21,5x29,5 | |||||
24025_40A.jpg | 40 | Butterfly Spin Painting | 2009 | Acryl | 0 | 51,5x68,5 | |||||
24025_41A.jpg | 41 | 5858 Say it ain´t for me | 2016 | 0 | j | 21,5x29,5 |
Künstler/in Damian Hirst
Name: | Hirst |
Vorname: | Damian |
Geb./Gest.: | 1965- |
Ort: | Bristol |
Info: | |
Werkverzeichnis: |
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Info zum Bild "Bitte wählen Sie einen Bildtitel aus der Bild-Tabelle"
BNR | Bildtitel | Datum | Technik | Sign. | cm | WVZ |
Jahr | Monat | W. | Schätzpreis | Auk. | Lotnr. | Auk.Nr. | Ergebnis |